Standing Committees
There are six standing committees of the Association; three are mandated by the Bylaws and three have been formed over the years to provide more services to our members. Our Committees are typically chaired by a member of the Board, but we encourage all Association members to join and become active members of our committees. To volunteer for or contact a Committee, please visit our Contact page.

Architectural Control Committee
The Architectural Control Committee is one of the three mandated committees according to our Bylaws. This committee has the task of monitoring and enforcing adherence to our community covenants. To learn more about our covenants, the set of restrictions that help keep our neighborhood beautiful, please visit Our Covenants page.
Current Chair: Contact the secretary to take to the board

Facilities Committee
The Facilities Committee is responsible for maintaining and improving our common property. This includes our Community Center, Pool, Front Entrance and land.
The facilities committee also oversees the rental of our Community Center for private member functions. To reserve the Community Center, please complete the reservation forms below. Once completed, please send an email to Sabrina Altizer.
Facilities Coordinator: Charles Fulghum 919-353-5384
Reservations Manager: Sabrina Altizer 719-237-8799

Budget and Finance Committee

Events Committee
The Budget and Finance Committee is one of the three mandated committees according to our Bylaws. This committee has the task of monitoring and enforcing the budget set forth by the Board of Directors and approved at the annual meeting. The Budget Committee ensures all CSPOA funds are properly maintained. The committee consists of the Treasurer, two board members, and two association members.
Current Chair: Sabrina Altizer
The Events Committee provides community events and functions for the enjoyment of all our members. The Committee generally provides three events per year which include a Spring Fling/ Easter Egg Hunt, Pool Party and Christmas Cookies with Santa. Our bi-annual Community Yard Sale is always a hit as well.
To learn more about our upcoming events, please visit our Events page.
Current Chair: Sabrina Altizer

Neighborhood Watch Committee
The Neighborhood Watch Committee is responsible for informing our residents about how to properly handle suspicious behavior or threatening situations. This committee schedules meetings with local law enforcement, disseminates relevant information to residents, and ensures that members of our community know how to contact local law enforcement should a problem arise. Keeping our neighborhood informed and unified against crime helps protect our residents and our property.

Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee recruits and recommends members of the Property Owners Association for open seats on the Board of Directors. This committee is one of the three committees mandated by our bylaws and must consist of a sitting Board Member as Chair along with at least two members of the Association.
The Nominating Committee also distributes ballots to Association members prior to the Annual Meeting with the nominated candidates.
Current Chair: John Zak